How to automatically close empty voicemail tickets in Zendesk

Sabrina Leskovsek
Sabrina Leskovsek
  • Updated

Situation: In our call flow we have an automation that creates tickets for each received voice mail.

Problem: We are receiving a lot of empty voice mails and have many tickets in zendesk that need to be closed manually.

Solution: Easily identify empty voicemail tickets in Zendesk and automatically close them.


Step by step instructions:

1. Create a trigger that has the condition: Recording duration less than 5 seconds. 


2. Create a global automation that fires on "recording finished" and includes the trigger we created.


3. In the automation section for Zendesk add in the tag 'empty_voicemail' so that you can more easily filter these voicemails. Also, you can add additional fields with data you want to see in the ticket (see examples in screenshot):


The ticket will look something like this in Zendesk:


4. Based on the tag you can create an automation in Zendesk (under Admin > Objects and rules > Automations) that will automatically close those tickets.


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