Familiarize yourself with the basic functionalities of the babelforce platform. Learn how to create your own call flow and implement your automation.
In this section you find articles explaining how to build call flows
Everything about Events, Actions, Tasks and how to use pre-built automations or build your own
Discover everything about our powerful Trigger engine
We will explain everything related to agents and users in this section.
Find recordings, logs, audit logs and live logs
All about your call history and to read the different reports available
Find out how to setup everything with respect to your live-monitoring of agents and calls
Everything about our Automatic Outbound Calls
Find out how to best configure your babelforce manager account.
The agent integration for agents with our platform as well as everything about Bria, Browser Phones, or other SIP devices
Find out what the babelforce team and other customers consider best practice and how they utilize the powerful services the platform offers, best.
Find details descriptions of our API, solutions, and other resources relevant for your developer team that wants to utilize babelforce services.
Learn about the babelforce platform and how to adjust the general settings.