How do I add employees or agents?

Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated

Directly adding employees, agents, salespeople and others

You can add employees to the babelforce manager app directly by following the steps outlined in this article: 

How to add an agent and request password 

Especially for testing purposes, feel free to start by adding agents directly, since you can always change them later or delete and replace them. However, keep in mind that you must delete a direct agent before they can be synchronised from another source as email addresses have to be unique in the list of agents.


Synchronising agents from another source

If you want to create agents automatically by synchronising them with another source, you can check out the particular integrations that can be used as agent sources: Integrations

Here is an example of how that works in Zendesk: How to synchronise agents and groups from Zendesk


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