With the incorporation of agents, queues, Business Hours, Calendars, audio prompts, and triggers, the next step is to put all these components together.
A detailed flow diagram is provided below, which you might recognize from previous chapters:
Steps to bring the call flow live
- Connecting to a Phone Number
- View the call flow in the Map view
- Understanding the Map
- Creating the final Call Flow
- Adding two additional nice-to-have options
Connecting a number
Navigate to:
IVR call-flows > Numbers
- Link the number in your account to the first call flow module: "1.0 - Calendars, business hours, enabled."
- Make sure to always link your number to the first module of the call flow
The Map View
Checking the map view of the flow
There are two ways to access the map. The map view is a graphical respresentation of the call flow. It makes it easy to build the flow.
1. From the "My number" section
- Stay in the section you linked the number to the flow
- Next to the IVR entry point, you see a little map. Click on it to reach the map view.
2. From the "Call flows" section
IVR call-flows > Call flows
- Opt for the map view (see screenshot below).
- From the drop-down list, select the connected number to view the call flow.
Understanding the Map View
The map view represents the path the caller takes. The flow starts with the phone number. Each call module has a different icon. All incoming and outgoing connections are represented by arrows.
The first module in our use case is a Switch node. From the Switch all possible paths are represented. If a module has an After-flow, the call will continue down the path. If there is no further module connected, the call will end after passing a specific module (e.g. the "sorry" prompt).
You can doubleclick on each icon to view and edit the settings. The Map View will be updated in case you change After-flows as soon as you save your changes.
Completing the Call flow
What you should see the first time you connected your flow to the first Switch is probably something like this:
You will see this as you already created the Switch node and its routing rules and After-flow in the previous section.
At the moment, the call will end either after the "sorry" or after the "Welcome" prompt. The next step is the add an After-flow to the "1.1 - Welcome - agents enabled" Audio player. Doubleclick on the icon and open the settings.
In this case, we will re-use the ACD you created in the previous chapter: Select the "ACD new" from the drop down list. Feel free to edit the naming. To match the naming convention, we suggestion "2.0 - Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)". And this is how your flow would like like then:
Some additional nice-to-haves
This could be a complete call flow but we are not quite at the end. We want to add two final details:
- Queue wait music the customer listens to while waiting
- Checking the wait time of the customer and taking the call to the "sorry" prompt in case the defined maximum was reached
While introducing you to this we will show you yet another, really cool way, of adding new call modules.
1. Adding queue wait music
- Doubleclick on "2.0 - Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)"
- In the "Settings" tab, find the Section "Call flow experience" and the drop down field "Queue experience"
- Click on the little blue Plus below the drop down
- A known window opens "Create module"
- Give it the Name "3.1 - Looped waiting audio"
- Select "Audio Player" as Module
- Click Save and then confirm in the ACD module as well by clicking "Save"
- A new module appeared on the map view, representing the placeholder for your waiting music
- Doubleclick on the "3.1 - Looped waiting audio"
- Upload any audio in the "Audio" tab
- To have the audio repeat, find the After-flow and point the "3.1 - Looped waiting audio" to itself.
- In map view, a loop will be represented with a little circle:
2. Taking the call out of the queue on Maxiumum Wait time reached
Remember, in a previous section we created a trigger called "Max. call duration greater 300 sec reached."
See this section to remember the details.
In the next steps, we will create what we call a "Local Automation" which takes the call out of the queue after a certain time
- Doubleclick on "3.1 - Looped waiting audio"
- Go to the "Automations" tab
- Click on the little blue "+", right hand side
- You will see a form which you should fill out as the image below shows.
- One thing ahead: as Action, you need to select "Queue Leave"
- to find this, open the drop down and either search for the section "Queue" or type "leave"
- As you can see, we now use the trigger created earlier
- One thing ahead: as Action, you need to select "Queue Leave"
- Remember to save the Local Automation and the module
What happens now, whenever the maximum wait time is reached, the call will go out of the Queue and jump to the After-flow of the module "2.0 - Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)". However, if you open the call module you will notice that there is no After-flow. In other words, the call would right end there.
To avoid this, do the following:
- Doubliclick on "2.0 - Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)"
- Under Settings, select the afterflow "3.0 - Sorry no one available - try later - goodbye" (our famous "sorry" prompt"
That's it! If all went well, this is how your call flow could look like:
And now that everything is set up let's test it! The next tutorial will show you how.
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