0.1 - The babelforce manager app

Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated


This article introduces the babelforce Manager App, which serves as the interface for creating processes and automations. Each section of the manager app will be explained, giving you a comprehensive understanding of its functionalities. By the end of this article, you will be familiar with babelforce terminology and ready to start your own project.

The links mentioned in this article will help you navigate the babelforce Help Center to find specific articles.

Understanding the babelforce manager navigation

Upon opening the manager for the first time, you will find the main navigation panel on the left side. The image below illustrates the sub-menus that expand upon clicking.

Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 11.41.47.png

In this article, we will introduce you to the section in the manager that are relevant to achieve the following:

  • Setting up your call flows
  • Managing agents and queues
  • Integrating babelforce with your software

IVR / Voicebot

At the top of the menu, you will find IVR/Voicebot. Once you have configured your processes, these settings can be adjusted to meet your specific requirements. 


⇒ Call flows

In the Call flow section, as the name suggest, you build your call flow.

To begin, you can check if you have an inbound number assigned to your account by navigating to

IVR/Voicebot > Numbers

You have the option to purchase a number from babelforce or continue using numbers from existing providers. Our Help Center provides many articles on this topic. In any case, please feel free to reach out to support@babelforce.com for further assistance.

If your account already has assigned numbers, you will see them in the Number section mentioned above. Next to each number, you can assign an IVR entry point. These entry points are call modules. If no module is assigned, the call will end immediately upon connection.

But what are modules? Modules are the building blocks which used to design IVRs and voicebots. Throughout this tutorial, you will get to know all the different types of modules and by the end of this chapter, you will feel very comfortable working with them.

And where are modules located? You find modules in the same section as your number:

 IVR/Voicebot > Call flows  

To view all your numbers, go to the Numbers section

IVR/Voicebot > Numbers

However, please note that your babelforce trial does not come with a number by default. You need to contact your Sales representative to have a number assigned. Or just fill in this form to order a number. Make sure to get a number. Otherwise you cannot test the call flow we will start building together in the upcoming articles of the tutorial.

⇒ Calendars

IVR/Voicebot > Calendars

In the Calendar section, you can specify your holidays. This scheduling information can then be utilized to exert further control over your call flow. 

How to use schedules and calendars will also be discussed in this tutorial. So if you want to learn more, just keep on reading or visit to our amazing online courses.

The Calendar serves a different purpose than Business Hours. It allows you to specify exceptional working hours for specific days (e.g., when your team starts later or when the service is closed for the entire day, like during holidays). For instance, if your team is having breakfast and won't start taking calls before noon, instead of modifying the Business Hours (which would need to be reverted later), you can simply set the exceptional hours for that day in your calendar (e.g., Tuesday, August 7, 2018, open from 12 pm to 9 pm). The adjusted hours will only apply for that specific day.

⇒ Business Hours

IVR/Voicebot > Business hours 

In this section, you can define the opening times for each of your teams and/or brands.

⇒ Audio Files

IVR/Voicebot > Audio Files

you can manage your audio files (upload, rename, listen, etc.). However, you can also upload audios within a call module but we will address this at a later point. 

⇒ Automations

The Automations section

Automations > Global Automations

allows users to configure any type of actions. Common call events, such as an inbound call reaching the platform or is connected to an agent, can trigger actions like sending emails, creating, updating, or closing call records in your helpdesk or CRM.

Events drive important actions, allowing you to push call recordings and voice messages or send various information about the call and caller to your systems. The view is list based. It presents details about the type and provider of an action, the event triggering the Automation and it allows you to edit the details.

To connect your helpdesk or CRM with babelforce, go to

Automations > Apps(Integrations)

Once you've successfully completed an integration, you can also import agents to babelforce. This allows the user to configure features such as pushing and assigning call records to agents (provided this feature is available in the system you are using).

⇒ Agents and Users

To manage and add agents to the babelforce manager, navigate to

Agents and Users > Agents

This section is only relevant if you want to connect agents to the call. In case you only build voicebots without any agent interaction, you can leave it aside.

There, you can also assign numbers, tags and groups, etc..

Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 11.54.36.png

For your agents to be selected for incoming calls, your queue settings must utilize agent grouping and tagging. Create, edit, and manage your queues here:

Agents and Users > Queues

⇒ Monitoring 

The Monitoring section is central to the babelforce platform. Here, you have access, among other things, the following resources:

  • Recordings 
  • Listen in 
  • Live Logs
  • Audit Logs

⇒ Reporting

The reporting section is also central to the babelforce platform, especially if you don't plan to push call data to your own data stores. Here, you have access, among other things, the following resources:

  • Comprehensive call reporting
  • SMS transcripts
  • Live call logs 

⇒ Outbound (Dialer settings)

If you are interested in running outbound dialer campaigns, this is where everything is configured. This is where you configure everything. You can manage campaigns and upload lists of contacts to call. Get in touch with us if you are interested in running Dialer Campaigns.

Some additional help with navigation 

❔ Can I upload my own audio files?

Absolutely! Go to

IVR/Voicebot > Audio Files

or just upload them in any Audio Player. You can upload as many .wav or .mp3 files (less than 3 MB) as you want and use them in your call flow.

Where do I build my call flow? I'm excited to get started!

That's the spirit! You can create and edit your call flow under

IVR/Voicebot > Call flow

The next article will provide detailed information on how to build a call flow and how everything comes together.

❔ Wait, what are triggers?

We're getting ahead of ourselves :). Triggers can consist of one ore multiple rules (conditions). They can either be true or false and are used to route your call through your IVR or Voicebot. In short, they enable condition based routing

However, for basic call flows, you won't need any triggers except for one we are going to call "always." We'll cover triggers in more detail later, and as you progress to the intermediate level, you'll be introduced to many more exciting examples.

To continue with the next article in this chapter, click here.




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