2.1 - Adding agents to a group and creating a queue

Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated

The first steps to set up your call flow include creating an Internal Agent and ensuring they are added to a group, as well as adding or modifying a queue. Let's explore these crucial tasks in detail:

1. Adding Agents to groups

Upon opening the babelforce manager app, you'll find no agents added to your account initially. To get started, add an agent using your email address for testing purposes.

By default, the new agent is included in the "_all" group (as described in this previous tutorial on Agents). However, you have the flexibility to assign the agent to another group. Here's how:

  1. Go to
 Agents and Users > Agent groups
  1. Click on the "Add" button located in the upper right corner to create a new group. Provide a name for the group and click 'Save'.
  2.  Once the new group is created, you can modify it by selecting its name or using the pencil icon.
  3. Add agents individually from the list (see the screenshot for reference).

Click 'Save' after selecting your agents.

You can also follow video the instructions below.

2. Queue settings

To view the default queue automatically added to your call flow, navigate to

IVR/Voicebot > Queues

The screenshot below presents an account that already has different queues created. If needed, you can add more queues by clicking on the "Add" button.

Customize the queue selection by including additional agents, ensuring you add the appropriate group. It's crucial to consider your selection logic while configuring the queue, as only designated agents will receive incoming calls. If you feel unsure about agent selections in queues, go back to this article.

Once the queue is set up, you can proceed to connect it with a basic call flow. In the next section, create or edit the ACD module for your flow.

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