5.2.1 - Lists and Campaigns

Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated

Whenever you want to use the automated dialer, you need to follow these two steps:

  1. Create a list and upload leads to this list
  2. Create a campaign and connect a lead list with the campaign

Once your list and campaign are set up, you can montior the campaign status via the hopper:

      3. Monitor your campaing status

But let's start at the beginning. 

1. Lists

Lead lists hold all the contacts you want your team to call. Usually, they are created in your CRM or from your database. For instance, you want your team to call every customer that joined the service before 2016 - all you need to do is to search all matching contacts and download the results as comma-separated CSV (watch out, semicolons won't work!).

What you can do in the lead section (heading to Outbound > Lists):

  • You can create a new lead list
  • You can upload lead contacts ("Upload")
  • You can download a CSV that shows you the lead status (times called, call outcome, etc.)
  • You can clear the existing lead list
  • You can rename the lead list
  • You can preview the uploaded leads (by clicking on the loupe)
  • You can delete a list

Lead lists must have a specific format, otherwise, you cannot upload them to babelforce, so be aware to follow the example strictly.

The file MUST be CSV comma separate. Other formats are not accepted.

The screenshot below explains all the other details: 

  • You must always fill out columns A and B. The numbers have to be unique (both in A and B).
  • If you want, you can also add alternative phone numbers
  • You can also decide which phone number you want to show to the customer when calling (display number)
  • And finally, you may add custom fields which you can push to babelConnect to share with your agents or add the information to a call record to improve your reporting


We prepared an example sheet in Google for you. Feel free to download a copy, but remember to download it as CSV.


Watch out, sometimes it takes time before the uploaded leads appear in the list. Wait a moment and reload the page to check whether or not the leads have been added.

That wasn't too hard, right? Campaigns are even easier to set up.

2. Campaigns

Having lists isn't enough. For each Outbound initiate you want to run, you need to create so-called "Campaigns". Agents can join these via their babelConnect. They are easy to configure (see also screenshot below):

  • You define the Display number if it isn't defined separately by lead
  • You connect the campaign to a list
  • You can enable or disable it
  • You can set it to test mode to have your agents practice
  • You can delete it
  • You can edit it
  • You can log out all agents who currently joined the campaign

3. Hopper

Once the list and campaign are set up, you can check which numbers will be called next in the section "hopper". To do this, head to Outbound>Hopper and select the campaign you want to check:

Easy enough! Now let's investigate how agents can join the campaign you just set up.

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