2.3 - Adding after call survey responses to a (Zendesk) ticket or other call record

Katrin Geske
Katrin Geske
  • Updated

To enhance customer support, many businesses seek feedback on the quality of service provided. While email surveys are common, after-call phone surveys offer a valuable alternative, enabling immediate feedback. With babelforce, not only can you promptly address any dissatisfaction by asking follow-up questions, but you can also integrate this real-time feedback directly into your customer service workflow.

This tutorial will focus on how to efficiently collect customer responses and integrate them into the corresponding ticket or call record. This integration is crucial for performing both quantitative analysis and in-depth qualitative assessments.

The use case

In the use case at hand, the customer was connected to an agent. Along the call, a ticket was created in Zendesk (or any other system of record of your choosing). After the call, the customer was forwarded to an after call survey focussing around two main questions

  • Were you satisfied with the support you received?
    • If not, provide more feedback
  • Did you get a final solution to your problem?

Responses are immediately appended to the corresponding call ticket. This process allows the Quality Assurance (QA) team to effectively analyze customer satisfaction based on the feedback collected.

The High level use case in babelforce

In babelforce, we suggest the following setup

  • To implement this survey, you will need some existing call flow that creates a call record
    • we will will continue with the example of a Zendesk ticket but the process will be the same for any CRM or help desk
  • Next, create the relevant Speech to Text (STT) modules or Input Readers containing the after-call survey questions (we will get to the details on how to setup this up below) and connect the models in such way that they meet your business requirements
    • In our case, we have two main questions, if one question is answered negatively, we are asking a follow-up
  • To make an after call survey work, you will need to reference the flow in your settings as described in this article
    • it is of course also possible to have different surveys for different brands or languages. In this case, your survey would start with a Switch Node, routing the caller based on a phone number or tag. 

  • To save the response to each of your questions, you will need a corresponding ticket field in your Zendesk or in the SoR of your choice
  • All answers are added as local post-automations to the tickets

Implementing the babelforce side

First, set up the necessary call modules and connect them. Below an example of how this could look like.

Once the flow is completed, we must ensure that we have fields in Zendesk that can save the responses. Finally, we set up the local automations that fill the Zendesk fields.

Setting up the call modules

In this tutorial, we will teach you a new feature babelforce offers: The Confirmation Template. Please be aware: to have the feature work as expected, you will need what we call the "new version of our speech services". If you are unsure, please get in touch with the Success team. Also, this feature is only available for English and German. If you want to use this in another language, we can make this available for you. Just get in touch.

Using the confirmation template

Two of the three questions used in this example can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". However, customers will not always say "yes" but there is a large variety of possibilities. You could build your own set of triggers, adding all possibilities of "yes" (yeah, correct, indeed) but no worries: we used our own AI model to do this for you. How does it work? What ever kind of confirming phrase the customer uses, we will identify this as an input that results in a "true". Everything else we consider "false". This means, in your trigger, all you have to do is check for either a "true" or a "false". This is also great for your data analysis in Zendesk. A "true" equals a "yes". You will have very clean, quantitative data.

How do I set up the Confirmation Template?

  • Go to the settings of your Speech to Text (STT) module. 
  • Below the menu point "Language", you see an arrow pointing down. Click on it and the section is expanded to the view you see in the screenshot below


  • In the section "Template", select "Confirmation"
    • The variable you added to your STT module will now always return either "true" or "false" when you use it in a trigger

You would like to see what the customer "really" said as well? No problem! You can select a number of expressions for every STT player. in our example, the variable satisfiedSupport was used. To see all expressions, you can go to your trigger section and search for your variable name. As you will see in the list of expressions, you can select an expression called transcript. The matching placeholder would look like this: app.speechToText.satisfiedSupport.transcript

  • Once you set up your first STT module, you need a Switch Node: if the customer was happy, you continue to the last question. If the customer wasn't satisfied, you as for more details
    • To achieve this, you will need a trigger with a single condition that could look like this:satisfaction=true.png 
      • Your Switch Node could look like this:
      • SN Check satisfaction.png
  • You can add any text or audio matching your business processes to ask the customer how happy they were with the received service

This completes the call flows of the after call survey.

Now we need to add the relevant Local Automations. They will all look basically the same, so I will only add a single example. You can repeat the same for your other STT modules.

Find the first STT module in your call flow and add a local automation. Below you see two screenshots of a local automation. The screenshots only show the relevant fields.

  • Find the Zendesk action "Update ticket"
  • Select the trigger "always"
  • You will need a label and a priorityupdateticket.png
  • In the update action itself, all you need to add is the ID of the Custom field you want to send the input to. Remember: you find the id in your Zendesk admin section
  • As placeholder, add the variable that is connected to the call modulecustomfield.png 

To complete the after call survey, add the missing Local Automations to your other call modules.

You don't want to send a placeholder to your Zendesk in case the customer was silent? No problem! You need to replace the "Always" trigger with a trigger that simply checks whether the variable is given or not.

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