2.2 - Looking up end-user information and sending an email for every VIP-call to the supervisor

Katrin Geske
Katrin Geske
  • Updated

Our next use case might seem very simple at first glance:

A supervisor wants to receive an email for every call made by a VIP customer. 

But how do we know that a VIP is calling? We could, of course, ask whether the caller has a VIP status but frankly, how can we be sure?

Instead, we will run an automation to check whether the caller has the VIP status and base the routing decision on that. In short, this is how the use case could work:

The Use Case

  • Customer reaches a hotline
  • Before the customer even hears a welcome prompt, we perform a lookup of the customer based on the calling number and check whether the customer has VIP status in your System of Record. In our example, we use Zendesk
  • The customer listens to some audio, which gives us enough time to ensure we have a response from Zendesk
  • After the audio, there are two options: the VIP field is either true or false. 
    • If true: The caller hears a welcome prompt for VIPs. While this is played, the supervisor receives an email. After that, the call continues along the standard flow
    • If false: The call continues down the standard call flow


High level babelforce process

Let's look at the implementation details on babelforce side:

  • When the call arrives, look up end-user details in the first call module as a local automation
    • You will need to know the field name (e.g., "VIP") and the expected result (e.g., "true").
  • After the welcome audio, build a switch node to check whether the variable equals your expected result, indicating a VIP customer.
    • If the caller is VIP, send the call to an Audio Player or Text-to-Speech (TTS) module and trigger an email to your supervisor as a local automation, informing them about the call.
  • The rest of the flow is up to you
    • You could continue routing VIP customers differently using the same trigger created for the switch node

The Zendesk side

To set up your VIP field, you need to create a new User field in Zendesk. You can also add this resource to any other CRM or Help Desk system your team uses; the process is usually similar.

Zendesk describes how to add  User field in detail here:


For a quick guide, you can also search for the term in the Admin Center.

Click on "Add new field." We suggest adding a Checkbox, as this will always be either True or False. It is important for our use case to look up the Field key name (marked in yellow below). You will need this for our trigger in babelforce.

In Zendesk, to test this, find a user associated with a phone number you can use for testing and tick the box.

Implementation in babelforce

Build the following four modules:

  • Welcome audio (Audio player or TTS)
  • Switch Node following the Welcome audio
  • VIP audio (Audio player or TTS)
  • General routing audio (Audio player or TTS)

In the Switch Node, you will need one trigger that checks the user field. If you already created the field in Zendesk and know the Field key name, in our example it was vip. The expression you will need in babelforce will look like this if you also have the Field key vip:


If your key name is different, just replace "vip" with the name of your field. For example:


Following this logic (integration.zendesk_v1.enduser.user_fields.{{fieldName}}), you can use the content of ANY user field in your babelforce integration.

Now let's create the trigger. Go to Triggers and add one condition. You need to switch to Expert mode to proceed.

Once in Expert mode, you can copy and paste the name of your expression into the "Expression" field. Select the Operator "is equal to" and add the Expectation "true," as shown in the image below.

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 13.52.23.png

Use this trigger in your Switch Node and connect the VIP Audio as the subsequent flow.

Now, let's look at the automations. As shown in the diagram above, you will need two automations:

  1. end-user lookup in the Welcome (first) module
  2. send email in the VIP Audio module

The end-user lookup is straightforward: find the Zendesk action "Look up end-user."

In our example, we do not create a new user if no user is found. However, this decision is up to you and depends on your specific use case.

automation audio.png

look up.png

The final automation is added to the VIP Audio module. Find the "send email" action. BBelow, you see an example of how it can be set up. In the example, we added several placeholders that could be relevant for your supervisor, such as {integration.zendesk_v2.enduser.ourid} and {integration.zendesk_v2.enduser.vipprogram}. The placeholder {integration.zendesk_v2.enduser.name} always exists, and you can use it to display your customer's name in the ticket.





If you want to find out which Zendesk expressions respectively placeholders are available, you can also review this article: https://help.babelforce.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045083092-Zendesk-variables

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