Deleting local storage

Katrin Geske
Katrin Geske
  • Updated

In rare cases you might be required to delete your local storage in babelconnect. This might be necessary if:

  • babelconnect doesn't load
  • you cannot select a presence state
  • you are unable to log out of babelconnect
  • if you try in incognito, the app works as expected.

This is how you delete local storage:

  • Do a right mouse click in your browser and click on "Inspect":

  • In the network tab which opened, select "Application" (This applies if you use Chrome. In a different browser it might be called "Storage"):

  • Open "Local Storage"
  • Find the local storage related to babelforce
  • Do a right mouse click on this particular storage element and "clear" it.

  • Do a reload
  • Everything should be working as expected

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