All about Reporting

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In this article, we will explain how to access and use various call metrics, providing clarity on how data from Call Legs Reporting and Simple Reporting differs for key performance indicators (KPIs). We’ll also share how to calculate certain metrics like Handle Time, as well as guidance on the best approach for retrieving reliable reporting data.

By understanding the distinctions and how to access accurate data, you’ll be able to monitor and analyze calls more effectively.


KPI/Metric Call Legs Reporting Simple Reporting Note
Call Duration Call Duration (total duration of the call) - Can be found in the Call Legs Report.
Inbound Calls Filter by type=inbound  - Duration of Inbound Call Legs shows the total call duration (from the first ring to the Post-Call Survey).
Outbound Calls  Filter by type=outbound & domain=external -  Duration of Outbound Call Legs shows the total call duration (System selected Agent → connected to Caller).
Talk Time (Duration of Talk Time) Duration - if filtered by: Outbound Calls, source: queue - Can be found in the Call Legs Report.
Inbound Talk Time  Filter by type=outbound, source=queue, duration>0 - The Call Leg with Duration > 0 is the leg connected to the Agent. Duration of this Call Leg equals Talk Time.
Outbound Talk Time  Filter by type=outbound, source=api  - -
IVR Wait Time  Call Duration - Talk Time - Queue Wait Time (from Simple Reporting)  Queue Wait Time (Simple Reporting)  IVR Wait Time is calculated as Call Duration minus Talk Time and Queue Wait Time from Simple Reporting
Missed Calls per Agent  Filter by Agent name & duration=0  - Can show missed calls per Agent (Duration = 0).
Call Attempts per Agent Number of Call Legs per call with duration = 0 - Shows the number of call attempts per Agent per call.
Wrap-Up Time  - From Simple Reporting If no Wrap-Up Time is present, it causes a discrepancy in Babeldesk, as this call won't be factored into the average.


Recommended approach:

  • Use Call Legs Report data for the KPIs where the above errors occur (e.g. bridged calls or talk time differences).
  • Simple Reporting remains reliable for the other KPIs where no discrepancies were found.
KPI / Metric Source (Call Legs Report / Simple Reporting) Discrepancies Found Explanation of Discrepancy
Call Duration Call Legs Report ❌ None The Call Duration from the Call Legs Report is reliable and accurate.
Inbound Calls Call Legs Report ❌ None No difference between the Call Legs Report and Simple Reporting.
Outbound Calls Call Legs Report ❌ None No difference between the Call Legs Report and Simple Reporting.
Talk Time Call Legs Report ✅ Yes In Simple Reporting, the Talk Time differs in some cases from the Call Legs Report.
Queue Wait Time Simple Reporting ❌ None The Queue Wait Time in Simple Reporting is correct and can be used.
IVR Wait Time Combination: Call Legs Report + Simple Reporting ✅ Yes Differences in the calculation of Talk Time lead to discrepancies in the IVR Wait Time.
Missed Calls per Agent Call Legs Report ❌ None Reliable data from the Call Legs Report, no known discrepancies.
Call Attempts per Agent Call Legs Report ❌ None Reliable data from the Call Legs Report, no known discrepancies.
Wrap-Up Time Babeldesk (no direct report) ✅ Yes Calls without Wrap-Up Time are not correctly included in the average in Simple Reporting.
Post Call Survey Time Still under review Open To be followed up.



1. What is the difference between waitTime and queueWaitTime?
Answer: queueWaitTime is the pure waiting time in the queue. waitTime covers the total wait time, including IVR time and queue wait time.
Note: Discrepancy: queueWaitTime is correct in Simple Reporting, while waitTime may vary due to errors in IVR time calculation in Simple Reporting.

2. How is handleTime composed?
Answer: handleTime is the sum of talkTime, holdTime, and wrapupTime.
Note: Discrepancy: handleTime does not include waitTime. However, discrepancies in holdTime calculation can occur in Simple Reporting.

3. Why is handleTime sometimes greater than duration?
Answer: The duration refers to the time from call entry to the completion of the call process. handleTime also includes processing times outside the call.
Note: Explanation: handleTime may appear greater due to longer wrap-up times, as duration only measures the active call duration.

4. Why is the agentName sometimes empty for Bridged Calls?
Answer: A bridged call can occur even when the call is forwarded externally, e.g., to an external number. In such cases, there is no agentName.
Note: This particularly affects forwards outside of Babelforce. Check the call flow and possible forwards.

5. What should we consider with Parent and Child Calls?
Answer: Parent calls are the main calls, and child calls are sub-sections of them. The relationship is established via the Parent-ID.
Note: Triggers must be applied to the correct call leg. Incorrect triggers can lead to duplicate tickets or inconsistent data.

6. Is the Parent-ID the call ID of the Parent Call?
Answer: Yes, the Parent-ID always belongs to a child call and refers to the Parent Call.
Note: Child calls are identified in reporting by the Parent-ID.

7. Does handleTime include waitTime?
Answer: No, handleTime does not include waitTime. It only includes bridgeTime and wrapupTime.
Note: This often causes confusion, as waitTime needs to be considered separately.

8. Can Parent and Child Calls be marked as such in the Call Report?
Answer: No, a child call is only identifiable through the presence of the Parent-ID.
Note: There is no separate marking in the call report. You must check the Parent-ID to identify child calls.

9. What is the recommended approach for using the reports?
Answer: We recommend pulling most data from the Call Legs Report. Simple Reporting is useful but still has inaccuracies for some KPIs (e.g., waitTime).
Note: Reliable data: e.g., wrapupTime. For KPIs like talkTime or handleTime, the Call Legs Reporting should be used.


Example Calculation of Handle Time:

Handle Time = Duration + Wrap-Up Time

  • Duration: from the Call Legs Report (Child Calls)
  • Wrap-Up Time: from Simple Reporting

Note: The duration in the Call Legs Report indicates the period of the active call. Wrap-Up Time is measured after the call and affects the total Handle Time.


Accessing Call Attempt Data via the API

You can already retrieve data on all call attempts to and from agents via our API. We register all parts of the call, including:

  • Inbound Calls: The moment the call reaches the platform, and every time we attempt to connect the call to an agent (there may be several attempts per inbound call).
  • Outbound Calls: The moment the agent initiates the call (when the connection is made to their softphone), and the moment the call starts ringing on the customer side.

Each stage of the call is defined as a 'call leg.' For detailed information about call legs, please refer to this article: Understanding babelforce Conversations and Live call logs

To access the reporting details, use the following API endpoint:


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