Creating call tasks for every incoming and outgoing call

Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated

Creating tasks in Salesforce for incoming and outgoing calls is easy. Similar to the other babelforce integrations, you are able to attach the task to the caller's account and the agent who takes the call. If the caller is unknown, a new lead is created.

If you haven't setup your Salesforce integration, yet, we ask you to do so by following all the details in this article.

In this article, we will also show you how to update a task to add the duration and the customer's wait time when doing an inbound call.

The diagram below shows you exactly what the automation does on which call Event (color indicating the type of event):

In our example, we will create eight Automations. If you don't care about adding talk and wait time, just leave those two out.


The result in Salesforce could look like this:

Inbound Task example


Outbound Task example


First, we will walk you through the necessary Triggers, secondly we will show you how to setup each of these Automations.


You will need four Triggers:

  • Always
  • Call is inbound
  • Call source = api, domain = external
  • Call not taken


Our standard always Trigger will fire whenever true is given:


Call is inbound:

This Trigger will fire whenever a call is has the type "Inbound"


Call source = api, domain = external:

This one might sound a bit difficult but all it does is to fire whenever a call is initiated via API and sent away from the babelforce platform when using SIP phone. This is also equal to any outbound call initiated via babelConnect.


Call not taken:

This particular Trigger checks whether an agent is associated with a call. Instead of using the agent's name, you could of course also use an ID, etc. As always, we just show one way of reaching a goal that can be reached in many ways.



We start out with four Automations that work for both Inbound and Outbound calls, followed by three Inbound and one Outbound Automations.

Lookup the end user in Salesforce:

All steps are described in the screenshot below. Watch out: From the list of actions, do not select the Salesforce action but the genuine babelforce action that works in every CRM and helpdesk for looking up the end user. Just remember to select your Salesforce integration from the list of available integrations. 

If the action does not find a lead or contact, it will automatically create a new lead in your salesforce.


Assign task to Agent

As soon as the agent has taken the call, the task will be associated with this particular agent. Select the matching action from the list of Salesforce Actions as shown in the screenshot below and copy all the other settings.


Attach task to contact or lead who is calling

The first Automation you created was looking for the calling person within your Salesforce database by phone number and if the person was not found, babelforce created a new lead in your Salesforce. Now it's time to connect the task to the caller. This is achieved if you build the Automation as described below. 

As you can see, the Automation only runs if the call was taken by an agent. See the next Automation to find out what happens with lost calls.


Associate lost calls with caller

In case one of your inbound calls was not taken by your agents, you need to make sure it's still associated to the caller so year team later on knows that the person tried to reach your service. To achieve this, create a task that fires on call finished but only if no agent is associated to the call. For details, see the screenshot below.


Now we come to our Inbound specific Automations.

Creating the call task for incoming calls

You are very flexible when it comes to setting up your incoming call task to fit your needs. In the screenshot below you see one example but you are free to use any subject, description, priority, etc. that fits your teams processes. As always, you can use any placeholder to enrich your call task with more information that might be relevant to your agents.


Updating the customer's wait time

This little feature is a nice to have but certainly not a necessity: by updating your call on call bridged (or call taken, it does not matter in this particular case), you can tell your agent how long the customer already waited. You could also add the call queue, brand, etc. if you wanted.


Adding call duration to inbound calls

Finally, to make use of the automatic call duration field in Salesforce we always suggest you have one update on call finished which automatically adds the duration to the particular field. Also, you can update any other field as suggested in the screenshot below. This Automation runs everytime a call ends, even if it was not connected to any of your agents.


Creating the Outbound call task

Finally, you create one more Automation that runs as soon as one of your agents has successfully initiated an outgoing call. As with the Inbound call task, feel free to design your OB-Call task to fit your needs. However, be careful to pick the right Trigger, otherwise you will create multiple tasks due to the call legs.


Great, you are ready to set up your salesforce integration Automations. Feel free to play around and don't forget - we are always happy to help should you have any question.

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