To forward a call directly to one of your employees, you have to install a Transfer module:
The Transfer module: an easy way to forward calls
It's very simple to set up call forwarding if this option applies to your use case.
- In the section IVR / Voicebot> Call flows, create a new module of type "Transfer".
We suggest naming the module after the employee whose number is forwarding, e.g., Jane Doe. - Under Settings, in the Target field enter the number the call should be forwarded to (so if you are using SIP, the Number should be the Agent ID number).
The Timeout defines the time your employee has to pick up the phone. Of course, you can add any After Flow, like a voicemail or a queue. - To complete the setup, go to IVR / Voicebot > Numbers, take the number you want to connect to the module, and change its IVR entry point to your module, in our case Transfer Jane Doe.
Your employee doesn't even have to have a babelforce User.
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