
Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated

Freshdesk offers self-service functions by integrating traditional support channels such as email, phone, chat, and the web with new social channels such as Twitter and Facebook. Also, an integration with our babelforce manager app is possible.

  1. For step-by-step instructions on the integration process, please click here.
  2. The most important action is probably to create a ticket whenever a call comes in. Find the instruction for this event here.
  3. However, there are many more cool things you can carry out with the freshdesk integration. The following table gives you some ideas:
Freshdesk  Actions in Freshdesk
Create a ticket To create a new ticket for an incoming or outgoing call in Freshdesk use this action. There are many different use cases for creating a new ticket. Very often, customers want a new ticket for every incoming call. Some like to have a ticket for a voice message or whenever a call is bridged. This is all depending on your individual processes.
Update a ticket This action will update the Freshdesk ticket associated to a call or task. It will only fire if there already was a ticket created. There are many reasons why you would want to update a ticket. Updates are used for assigning tickets to agents, for adding wait- and talk-time, details about the caller, recordings, etc.
Add a note to a ticket This action allows you to add notes to an already-created ticket It's similar to the update ticket feature, however, it's more specific and quicker to set up. It gives you the option to add a note to a ticket, like informing the agent about the wait time of the customer.
Send email & create ticket With this action, you can send customers an email and leave a note in your Freshdesk about that email. This is a little more difficult to implement but a great feature. Imagine a case of requested callback - sending SMS is nice but you might not have the information about the SMS in your helpdesk. This action actually allows you to not only send an email to the customer as soon as he requests the callback. You will also have a note added to the user's Freshdesk account.


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