What Are Custom Events and Why Use Them?
Automations in babelforce run based on predefined events. However, there may be situations where you need to trigger multiple automations from the same event but require a slight delay between them. This could be necessary if the automations depend on each other or if a specific order of execution is needed.
In such cases, Custom Events allow you to introduce a delay of milliseconds before triggering certain automations. This helps ensure a smooth workflow and prevents potential conflicts.
Where to Find Custom Events in Babelforce Manager
To create a Custom Event:
Go to the left-hand menu and navigate to Automations > Custom Events.

- Click "Add" on the right side
- Enter a name for your Custom Event, e.g.,
"Custom Event - Delay"
- Click Save.

Once created, you can use this Custom Event as the Event for your automation, ensuring precise execution timing.

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