babelforce API documentation - our developer hub

Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated

babelforce offers an extensive overview of all our endpoints that are publicly available - you find it in our developer hub

Let's first look at the authentication method before we look at the different APIs in a little more detail. 

Authentication against babelforce endpoints: 

All babelforce APIs are JSON-based and RESTful, and allow users to authenticate HTTP requests with standard bearer access tokens obtained from our OAuth 2.0 service. 

To generate a bearer token, you can use the following API request: 

curl --location 'https://{my_environment}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data-urlencode 'username={my_username}' \
  --data-urlencode 'password={my_password}' \
  --data-urlencode 'grant_type=password'

Your token will be valid for 12 hours and can be used as a request header via

"Authentication: Bearer {my_bearer_token}"



If your babelforce account URL is "", replace {my_environment} above with "services", otherwise use your custom environment domain: 

Environment base URL
EU ( all account with domain
Custom environment domain

Make sure that the base URL for all requests contains the correct region subdomain.


Note that for most of our API collections, you need a user with "manager" rights. You can add the respective user via "Global settings > User management".

Now, let's look at the different collections:

babelforce collections in detail:

Let's go through what you find in our developer hub and how to authenticate against our APIs. 

  1. Manager

  2. Agent

  3. Env Sync Api

  4. Task Automations Api

  5. Agent synchronization

  6. SCIM

  7. SSO

1. Manager: This API covers all requests that can be carried out via our manager app e.g, you could

  • automate the creation of call flows with this API,
  • add agents and manage their skills
  • adjust the call routing
  • adjust your business hours
  • automate your call reporting by extracting call data to your data warehouse tool
  • automate SMS processes
    ...and so much more!

2. Agent: This API can be used with agent user rights. Via this API you can for example 

  • manage calls 
  • transfer calls 
  • handle conference calls 

3. Env Sync API: allows you to synchronize the data on two different accounts. Imagine you don't want to touch your production account but instead prefer to test everything first on a sandbox. The env sync API allows you to push all your changes on sandbox to your production environment (or any other account). Apart from that, you can also create a snapshot of your current account setup that you can reapply to that same account later on: 

  • create snapshots of your account
  • synchronize data on two different accounts

4. Task Automations API: Our task automation tool enables you to automate basically any multichannel process that requires data exchange between multiple tools. You can

  • create task templates that:
    • send data to a 3rd party system
    • receive data from a 3rd party system to use this data in consecutive parts of the process
    • route tasks (like emails, calls, messages) to agents
  • schedule reoccurring tasks (via cron) 
  • manage your API token via our secrets APi
  • set up webhooks to handle incoming data from Zendesk
    • ....

A few examples: 

  • verification of a caller who's data is stored in your custom SAP system
  • set all agents on busy every day at 6pm
  • synchronize presence status between zendesk and babelforce
  • schedule a callback requested by a customer via your business website
  • forward emails to your helpdesk/CRM and automatically analyze its intent

5. Agent synchronization:

  • Allows synchronization of agents' external Ids with 3rd party systems: Imagine you would like to push a ticket to an agent when they take a call. To do that, babelforce needs to know the id of that agent in your helpdesk. By synchronizing the agent data, we store the agent's 3rd party id in babelforce. 

6. SCIM: The SCIM API is abbelforce's implementation of the "System for Cross-domain Identity Management". It's a standard for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains or IT systems. You can for example

  • manage users in your 3rd party system
  • manage user groups
  • configure your SCIM setup

7. SSO: babelforce's API for the implementation via openidconnect. It allows you to 

  • manage your user's identities
  • manage the configuration on openidconnect


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