Kustomer - an introduction

Christina Dechent
Christina Dechent
  • Updated

Kustomer is a CRM that enables users to combine a variety of different communication channels like email, phone, chat, social and messaging apps. 

It offers the organization of customer management within one place - the communication with customers through various channels but also the tracking of events, like e.g. orders can all be organized from within one single profile of that customer. To achieve this, Kustomer uses a customer Timeline: 

"The Customer Timeline is where you will spend most of your time when interacting with customers. Here you can send emails, respond to chats, create notes, send sms, tag other users, view tracking events, or even display custom associated events from third-party data sources." (Kustomer)

This article gives an overview over the most important information you need in order to use the Kustomer integration in babelforce. For detailed technical information on the available endpoints offered by Kustomer, please have a look at the API documentation of Kustomer: https://developer.kustomer.com/kustomer-api-docs/reference/introduction 

Here's an overview over the different items and events that can be stored on the customer timeline: 



  • Conversations: include all "exchanges" with a customer happening via Chats, Emails, Forms and Notes.
  • Custom Objects (KObjects): KObjects can be used to track events carried out by external data providers integrated with the Kustomer account. Note that to use KObjects, you first need to create a Klass in your Kustomer account. You could for example add a Klass called orders which is integrated with your order system. Whenever a customer places an order, a KObject "new order" can be added to the customer timeline. The screenshot on the left shows the Klasses Order, Testklass and  Tracking. When you create a KObject you need to define which Klass it belongs to. For more information on Klasses and KObjects in Kustomer, please have a look at this article. 
  • Tracking events: Tracking events let you record user interactions with various web elements to track the customer journey. You could for example integrate Kustomer with Segment or Thunderhead to achieve customer tracking. 




How to use Kustomer with babelforce you ask? 

babelforce enables you to track all information exchanged with a customer via the phone. Once a customer calls your business, babelforce can search for that customer in your Kustomer account and create a new customer if the caller doesn't exist yet - all automatically. 

Here are some more examples of what you can achieve by integrating Kustomer to babelforce: 

  • create conversations for each (or only certain) incoming or outgoing phone call
  • updating these conversations by adding notes and tags or filling in custom fields defined in your conversations
  • add KObjects for your Klasses
  • directly send messages like emails and sms to a calling customer
  • automatically pop up timeline items to agents taking the call

In the other articles of this category, we will have a closer look at the automations offered for Kustomer and how we can build them in babelforce. Have fun exploring!








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